A Letter to my son Luigi on his 4th birthday
Dear Luigi Miguel,
As February, the LOVE month comes and the time to celebrate your birthday nears, I am filled with such joy and pride to know that I am your Mother.

I have noticed that you are becoming more independent and self-confident.
You enjoy singing, rhyming, and making up words. You are energetic. You never fails to make me laugh with your silly acts.
Here's your milestones:
- Ride a bicycle
- Dress and undress, brush teeth, and take care of other personal needs without much help
- Use a fork and spoon
- Draw different shapes
- Walk up and down stairs without help
- Correctly name colors and shapes
- Recognize and write letters and alphabets
- Follow commands like "Close the door, Throw this in the garbage..., Brush your teeth, Go to bed..."
- Count, and understand the concept of counting.
You also love reading books. Going to a library or even just simply going to a bookshop seems like a paradise for you. Reading for you is more fun!
Today, you said "Mama, T-shirt. Basa. Dumi" I love how you say those words because they remind me that you are still small, and learning.
I am patiently waiting for you to speak words clearly. Sometimes you are frustrated when I can't understand what you are saying. In time son, you will. I can't wait for that to happen. Just be patient.
I love to watch you sing and dance, always entertaining those around you. I love to spend mommy-son dates with you. A trip to the park, mall, zoo.. You are the best adventure buddy.
My wisest words I give to you now…
Be who you are. Love and respect people around you. Follow your heart. Choose to be happy.
I am always praying for you. I know you'll be a good leader. And being a good leader means you are a good servant too.
Happy birthday my Little Man!
Mama loves you so much!